#InvestEU visit Energy Efficiency at Primekss
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In 28th of november we was honoured to receive visit from European Union journalists within #InvestEU Energy Efficiency visit. This was unique possibility to tell our story – the way how we came to idea and through extensive research and development came to our unique patented composite concrete product - PrīmX (see below in video), to representatives of 14 European countries at once.

Get the most out of your floor by choosing the right finish
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When the decision is made to use PrīmX for strong, efficient installation, seamless and long-lasting concrete floors, there is still one more thing to consider: the appropriate finish.

A Concrete Pavement Built to Withstand Heavy Tanks
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When the U.S. Army decided to build a road, testing and repair pavement for heavy tanks in Israel, they were looking for a partner capable of creating a tough and long lasting surface, while solving the perennial problem of steel tracks damaging concrete joints. The task was not easy as tanks are probably the heaviest vehicles with a weight of 60 to 80 tons and sharp steel tracks prone to creating problems for any surface they drive on.

PrīmX floor reduces the risk of soil contamination
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MicroSource Fertilzer warehouse is located in Shakopee, MN, U.S. The total area of the warehouse is 43,000 square feet, but this wasn't the only challenge for floor layers. The owner is stacking 1,000 l chemical containers exerting over 2 tons of force into the slab at each location.

Seamless floors for warehouses of the future – Sipoo Logistics Centre in Finland
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The Sipoo Logistics Centre for consumer goods is one of the biggest warehouses in Finland. This building complex will be the grocery logistics centre for “S Group” - currently the market leader in the Finnish FMCG market. 270,000 m2 of floor is laid there by company PRIMEKSS.