
Full Scale Test (FST) Jelgava

We Built It and We Will Break It.  Testing the limits of what concrete can do for better structural performance.

The primary goal of the Full Scale Test (FST) is to assess the structural performance, specifically the load-bearing capacity, of our innovative SFRSSC (Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Stressing Concrete) in comparison to conventional concrete. Our focus is to gather data on the slab's behavior under the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS) as well as through failure. We aim to demonstrate how our system surpasses SFRC throughout all of the limit states and safety margins.

Advantages of PrīmX

PrīmX incorporates specialized additives that, when combined with steel fibers, induce a chemical post-tensioning effect within the concrete slab. This approach aligns with the proven benefits of traditional post-tension systems, resulting in enhanced structural capabilities such as increased load-bearing capacity, reduced shrinkage cracking, and the potential for a thinner cross-section while maintaining comparable structural performance.  With the FST, we aim to demonstrate and quantify that PrīmX has the same advantages as traditional post-tensioned systems without the drawbacks of traditional systems.

Significance of Test Results

The data obtained from the test is crucial for future use in the structural design process of steel fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete, to demonstrate that it is fully aligned with the safety and reliability requirements of Eurocodes and TR34, and will advance the application of PrīmX technology for a multitude of structures under varying conditions.

What’s Unique About the Test

This FST stands out for its utilization of specialized fiber optics sensors embedded within the slabs as well as on the surfaces, enabling the collection of internal structural data. Advanced technologies, including optical strain gauges, have been deployed to monitor the behavior of the structures mounted beneath the slabs. Notably, this test is unique due to its examination of the structural behavior of both SFRC and PrīmX slabs with a thickness of only 150 mm, a dimension that has not been previously explored in SFRC testing with such high loading conditions.

In facts and figures: Testing PrīmX SFRSSC (Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Stressing Concrete)  and conventional concrete. 

Area:  2 slabs x 240m2 Thickness:  150mm 

Time frame:  1,5 weeks of load testing

Optics:  more than 1 km of optical strain gauges Advanced visual data collection:  3 CCTV cameras, 6 DIC cameras, multitude of phone cameras

Third party experts involved: 

Björn Täljsten, Professor, Luleå University of Technology.

Cosmin Popescu, Associate Senior Lecturer, Luleå University of Technology.

Gregor Fischer, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering.

David Adrian Martin, BSc MCIOB AMICE MInstRE, Director Primekss UK Ltd.

Kevin MacDonald, PhD, PE, P.Eng, FACI, Chair of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Slab on Grade committee, Chair of ACI 302 and 306 Committees, Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Xavier Destree, Senior Engineering Consultant on SFRC. Member of standard committees in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA. Voting member at the ACI, 544 committee.  FACI, lead author of the  ACI 544 6R, patent author of numerous patents regarding SFRC materials and applications.

Līga Gaile, Structural engineer, Professor, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University).

Ulvis Skadiņš, Associate Professor, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

Funding received from the European Union - NextGenerationEU, National Development Plan 2027 to conduct the test.

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